Cigar Extra… not really. Well, kind of.

20130516_191833Originally published at Tiki Bar Online

Good morning, all!

Okay, so this week’s post from me is going to be a little different.

If anyone has been paying any attention the past couple of weeks, they’ve noticed that I’ve been absent. The reasoning for that is its just been crazy. Between work being nuts, and personal issues jumping into the mix its just been ridiculous.

With that being said, it was time for a cigar.

The cigar of choice this evening is a Room 101 “305” robusto. The beverage is a shiner bock seasonal. These two pair very very well

with one another, and are also great by themselves.

The reason this is a little different is because, that’s about all I have to say about the cigar or beer.

A few weeks ago, I went down to Chattanooga with a good friend of mine named Mark. As Mark and myself were sitting in the air

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conditioned smoking lounge enjoying a scotch and a cigar in the middle of the day, he made an awesome point. “Do you ever just sit and think about how good we really have it?”

That question didn’t really mean too much to me that day, but the more I think about it the better it gets. There are so many of us that complain about things like our jobs, or drama in our lives that seem like a big deal at times. However, if we are

well enough to be able to sit and enjoy a fine cigar on occasion, or a daily basis for some, it could be so much worse.

With that being said, I’m going to do a little more relaxation, and putting things in perspective from here on out.

Smoke ’em if you got ’em.


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1 Response

  1. czerbe says:

    Well wishes to you and yours… and you are correct while we all have our own F-ing problems… if we have the ability to read this blog smoke a cigar life can’t be near as bad as we think… great job.